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To give you a fair start, the Grand Council offers you protection. This protection lasts 3 days or until you've ranked to Associate. You cannot toggle your protection status, so choose carefully.

What restrictions will I face when protected?

  • You cannot attack other players.
  • You cannot steal from other players.
  • You cannot trade with other players through CBay
  • The Grand Council will come down hard on you if you (try) to abuse the protection for scamming, faking or other types of site abuse.
  • Players can transfer up to 100 million per bank transaction.
  • When you own more than 250 million, players cannot transfer you money.
  • Players cannot choose you as their heir, and you will not receive an inheritance from your marriage.
  • You cannot set up a coke factory.
  • You can purchase a city, but you will lose your protection. The restrictions still apply
  • Players cannot transfer a business to you.
  • You can purchase or bankrupt a business, but you will lose your protection. The restrictions still apply
  • If you have more than 1.5 billion in your possession (for example through gambling), you will lose your protection. The restriction still apply
  • Under no circumstances is it possible to bypass the restrictions that you accept in exchange for protection.